The day for Jake has been rather peaceful. We made it through the night again without any spikes in his vitals and he stayed stable all night. Yesterday Jake had started being fed through a feeding tube. But, today we found out that Jake's isn't absorbing the food (he has always been a picky eater). He was started on a medicine to help him absorb the food.
His left eye is a bit swollen and this is resulting from his eyes not completely shutting. Although we are putting medicine on his eyes to help keep them shut, this is common.
We did have good news today that Jake's eye that has been more responsive was more responsive today than it was yesterday. We are looking for signs of response and the fact that this was a little better today was a great sign.
We also learned today that his white blood count had gone down since yesterday, which again this is something positive.
We talked to the neurosurgeon again today and he went over the CT scan with us.
He basically said, yes there is still swelling in Jake's brain. There is an awful lot of his brain that he said is "dark" he also said unfortunately that part of his brain stem is also "dark" what this means....I'm not completely sure. What I do know, is that Jake fights continually. If he wants anything he figures out a way to make it happen. He considers his resources and he goes for it.
That is what we are doing. We are continuing to pray, love, and hope.
Until next time.