Monday, March 29, 2010

The first few days

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to create something where we could all get updates on Jake. I won't be leaving the hospital much so I will be able to keep everyone posted.

Jake was rushed to the ER just after 1 am the early morning of Sunday March 28th. He had snorted the drug OxyContin and the doctors believe he had a weak vessel in his brain. The drug went immediately to the brain and caused this vessel to burst. The doctors did a scan of the brain and saw this and came to us with the option to operate. At this time Jake had stopped breathing on his own and showed no signs of brain activity. We of course opted to do the surgery in hopes of saving Jake's life. The doctor warned as all about how risky this surgery is. He said that if this wasn't an 18 year old kid he would not even do it. The Neurosurgeon and his team went in and did their magic. Jake was amazing and made it through the surgery.

Once he was stable enough in ICU we were able to see him. While we sat with him my mom and I noticed his eyes really moving a lot. At some points he was moving them so much I was sure he was really trying to open them. This was a great sign. We don't know if this is voluntary or involuntary.

When Jake was first in the hospital his body temperature was 89 degrees. So after surgery we really worked on raising his temperature. Slowly his temperature did rise and we got it to be normal.

However, as the night went on Jake began to have a fever and at one point reaching 103.9.
Everyone was asked to leave the room as his temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate were not where they should have been.

We stayed by his side through the night and Jake was finally stable again. We are seeing the doctor this afternoon and I will update this blog then.

Keep your prayers coming, they are working miracles!



  1. Thank you for creating this blog Rachel. We are all so worried and I don't like bugging your Mom for updates.

    I will check back often.

    You and your family our in our thoughts and prayers. I stop many times a day to say a prayer.

  2. Thank you for letting us know what is going on and how he is doing.

    I love you, and I love your family.

    Hope to see you all soon.

  3. Rachel, I feel the same as Jennifer. I didn't want to call and bother your Mom knowing everyone else is. Thank you for this blog and keep it updated, please.

    I contacted the prayer cirlce at our church and they are praying for Jake. We are all sending prayers your way!!!


  4. So many people are proud to call you son, brother, cousin, nephew, grandson and friend. You have touched so many lives in the people around you. Thoughts and prayers are being sent your way. We Love You and your Family. Keep Fighting Jake!

  5. I am a friend of Chandra Webster. Praying for you all! Don't let them give up on him...the brain has an amazing power to heal itself, especially if he is a fighter!!! Don't give up! I believe those fevers are his way of fighting...his message to everyone that he is still in there and not to give up!
